Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Voyage 3.1 Coming Up!!

Kind of left Voyage 3.0 hanging there didn't we? Well, we had to cut it a bit short. Actually, we cut it a lot short. It couldn't be helped as we had health issues in the family that obviously took precedence. We were in North Carolina when we received the news and had to make a beeline back to home. I'll leave it at that.

But now things are mostly back to normal and we've got a little bit of time before we take off for St. Maarten. So we figured why not? Let's see just how much of a trip we can squeeze in before we run out of time or the weather turns too cold up north. Remember, this Florida boy don't do cold. To me, it's cold when it gets below about 65.

Our first thought was to pick up V3.0 where we left off and finish it out. But then there's a whole pile of stuff that we want to do up in the whole northeast and we didn't want to shortchange it. So we came up with a whole new plan that will fill in some gaps that got left from previous trips. Viola! Voyage 3.1.

We'll be leaving this week and we have no end date planned. The general idea is to more or less follow the Mississippi River north up to about St. Louis. Then head mostly towards Wisconsin, then Michigan, and then a little east. After that we'll see. This trip is going to be a lot of 'make it up as you go' type of idea. We're hoping to see the Arch, Graceland, Baseball HOF, Football HOF, Rock & Roll HOF and as many stops on the bourbon trail as we can. Of course all of the sightseeing is predicated with the Covid thing. But we'll take what we can get.

So buckle up! It should be a fun little trip!


Put on my blue suede shoes and boarded a train.

So what is that all about? More on that in a minute. Lincoln's Tomb - Springfield, Illinois We are currently at Indiana Dunes State Park...